Furio Barba, per questo nuovo appuntamento su DeMotu, ci invita a riflettere e aprire gli occhi riguardo i “titoli” che vengono dati a particolari nuove forme di attività (soprattutto importate dall’estero) nate negli ultimi anni nel mondo delle Scienze Motorie.
Un articolo scottante, scomodo, provocante, destinato a creare clamori e discussioni.
Caro lettore ti invito caldamente a leggere il testo di una voce fuori dal coro, because I believe that the diversity of opinions are riches. Essential tools for growth,
good read
Giulio Rattazzi
The “new expressions” of physical education
In this paper invitation to a reflection in reference to “titoli” that are given to particular forms of activity that are nothing but reinterpretations of old but they buy “appeal” thanks to the use of Anglo-Saxon terms.
The purely commercial operation regards revisited and updated activity to the times with the use of latest equipment (but with the same end), more attractive and more responsive to the requests “choreographic” of the pseudo-new activities.
It is obvious that the business market that law but I think that it is enough a little’ common sense to grasp the purpose and realize how you become tool, unconsciously but some other players, a process aimed only partially to the physical well being of people but especially the economic one who operates the "cranks" of profit.
Invito, then, ad open the eyes the massive publicity relating to operations new mode, to discern how much truth there is in particular “terminological innovations” and “technological”, and what is true, instead, the economic order of particular operations “cultural-commercial” involving “testimonial experts and assiduous in these particular activities”.
Regarding these "new training expressions" issue of a strategy to resubmit what already exists with a “makeover” particular.
Obviously all the English expressions used so far, in this case, a must to stay in theme.
An example? The "core". What is it? And 'an English term meaning nucleus. There are various definitions ranging from "the artistic and holistic". all, more or less, involve more or less large areas of the region between the arms and legs and which can be summarized, in the most used expressions, as the "center function of our body ", "Center of gravity of our body", "Center from which originate the actions of our body", "Central core of the body composed of indoor and outdoor units of muscles and anterior and posterior muscle chains crusades". For some includes the abdominal muscles, dorsal, glutea, the internal muscles of the pelvic area, the tensor fascia lata, while for others also it extends higher up to the chest level, for still others also it includes the area between the shoulders and hips.
The "core training", then, It is defined as an activity with stabilizing function of our body, of the spine protection, improvement of posture, making it more effective physical activity, providing protection and stability to the lumbar and pelvic areas.
it points out (and corrects) that, if it were the "zone between the legs and arms" would be called, with proper anatomical terminology, "trunk", and if it were the "lower middle area" (trunk), It would be called before (or ventrally) abdominal and pelvic, and later (or dorsally), lumbar and gluteal. So this is, as usual, of do not know the terminology and use terms mediated Fitness; in fact, it has started to use the term "core" in the early '90s and such use was widely circulated at the beginning of 2000. It would be the case that they were the practitioners of fitness to use the correct terms and existing, instead of graduates of physical education use those fitness, otherwise there is debasement, downgrade and further degradation of the "value" of this degree.
But back to the "core", as it was defined that area before that time? Really it was recently discovered? No, but just change the name and from old exercises become new, if you add "core stability” o “core ability” it is even more striking. I should mention in this regard Jean Le Boulch, the founder of "psychocinetique" and "psychomotricité", professor of physical education, basketball coach and athletic, psychologist, doctor of medicine and rehabilitation specialist, that about 50 Years ago, in its reports on learning the sport techniques, emphasized on the importance of "keepingabdominal corset”. In short the history of physical education does not begin by 2000 and that would be the case in the luggage of study and knowledge a graduate of physical education they were present in previous texts that date which, nowadays, fundamental for a "good culture", since only by knowledge of the past it can be built a better future.
With regards to the use of the terms Anglo-Saxon and everyday mediated gyms, It would be the case that it was the official terminology to be employed under the terms of a certain cultural value that it would be appropriate to also weigh in professional terms; instead, by doing so you end up becoming slaves, and prone to a fashion which is spreading thanks to the absence of a strong cultural and professional identity.
Replace, inter alia terms with those of other languages does not mean to be modern but heterophile.
And again: “functional training”. First of all I wonder, what it means "functional"? from the vocabulary: “as a function of, relative to a function, which concerns the operation, for the duties“; mathematics "variable Y that depends on an independent variable x”.
In particular, What is a function? And 'necessary at this point that I face (as usual), a little math booster. An example: the square of a number depends on this number, therefore, any magnitude that depends on another magnitude is a function of the latter; then, when it is referring to a function, It must specify "what". When two quantities depend on one another at will you can be considered as the first function of the second or the second as a function of the first; routinely use to call "function" the law which is the subject of study and "variable" one that makes a part accessory.
Following the definition of Dirichlet, defines function y of the variable x is a link between two variables, one called the independent variable x and the other called the dependent variable y, those that make sense on the steps to take to obtain the values of x and y for each value of x corresponds a single value of y; in summary y = f(x).
When you want to consider the "height of a tree" function that depends on the time, the purpose is not to measure the passage of time by means of the shaft height variation, but the function which is the law which measures the height of the tree to vary the time; concluding, "Y" is the height of the tree and "variable x" is the time.
The end of differential calculus is to measure the "change of variables" or otherwise called "increments". The two essential problems of mathematical analysis are:
- Given a function to measure its increase and then find its derivative or its differential (derivation).
- Knowing the extent of the increase regain function; knowing that a derivative or a differential regain function (integrated or integral calculus).
But imagining quantities that can vary for most causes, you will have "the study of functions of several variables". An example: The flow of a river by rain at a given point of its length; its scope depend on the time and distance of the point considered from the source.
- by time: inasmuch as by its switch it increases the amount of water that falls and feeds the river.
- The distance of the point considered from the source: because as the distance increases the area of the drainage basin.
Finally, the third problem is: knowing a relationship between a function, its variable and its derivatives, find the unknown function that satisfies.
I finish here my appeal to mathematics and resume after clearing, I hope, the concept of function asking, at this point, if it is possible, by invoking the concept of what it means to "functional", give the following answer to the initial question: “that responds to the functions assigned to it”; share?
Consequently some questions:
- What training is not functional objective to be pursued?
- Who plays a workout "does not improve"?
- Those who carry out an activity not related to the improvement of organ function, an apparatus or a muscle?
- Who performs exercises not aimed at improving the performance?
In practice, the "y" function is the training and the "variable x" its content.
In sports literature many have talked about Preparation General and Special (anyone remember, eg, Verchoshanskij?), and also to General exercises, special and specific, other chains (anyone remember, eg Cometti?); today, a fortiori, the confusionand on terms should not exist. In short, say "Workout" or "functional training" is, in pratica, the same thing, and the functional term, therefore, it is unnecessary. A reference example: what is the difference in saying aerobic mechanism or aerobic mechanism alactacid? Practically no, and it is certainly unnecessary to add the term alactacid to a process in which it is already embodied the concept of non-production of lactic acid; so it is said aerobic mechanism just. And then because we talk about functional training? Simple is of fashion and makes business. But before opening another "casus belli" there is a clarification to do: in world literature There is no shared definition of functional training!
In fact, every writer has their own (and I'm not one to say); below some examples:
- "Workout designed to improve the movement of man" decisive;
- "Workout extreme completeness and of great emotional impact, ensuring loyalty and team spirit " socially useful;
- "Training means respecting the human physiology and biomechanics" need;
- "Educator function of the movement" pedagogical;
- “It is the natural state of motor activity " holistic;
- “system aimed at improving the movement in all its variants” full;
- “which increases the desire to move and have fun doing something useful for health” nice;
- "Simple and effective gym activity that trains the body in all its complexity" simple;
- "Which includes a systemic-comprehensive approach to training and rehabilitation" twisted;
- "Train our body to exert all that requires daily life" survival;
- "Activity that trains the “movement” and it requires the both dynamic and static force production that includes the ability to be aware of how the whole body, or a part of it, It is positioned in space in every single movement " biomeccanico;
- "Each exercise that allows you to improve your performance in life everyday. Depending on what each one does in life, It can take many forms " chameleon;
- “physical training to 360 ° where it expands “locomotor repertoire” everyone, and facilitate daily activities” artistic;
- "Activation of the cardio-vascular system with the result of training the organic capacity of the subject in a way directly proportional to the intensity of execution of functional exercises" physiological;
- "Is a resource to be reckoned with in terms of physical activity" enigmatic;
- "Functional means to train with intelligence" illuminating;
- “the maximum evolution of physical performance geared for maximum efficiency and not just sports” and what else? incomplete;
- "Related to the function for which training a muscle or better a kinematic chain exists and has evolved in a certain way" anthropological;
- "Targeted training to learn and improve their physical capabilities in order to better face any situation" military;
- “set of exercises that allow the body to improve his physical performance in different situations required, both in sports and in everyday life” performances;
- "A method of prevention, rehabilitation and performance improvement, which however it acts on several parameters from the conditional capacity, although many times overlaps with the working methods for the development of the latter " delicate;
- "Improve the physical capacity so as to ensure a better response of the body to stimuli which it is subjected by the surrounding environment" adaptive;
- “workout that does not exclude other methodologies, but the sums and full, in fact, with it they are put into practice the principles of biomechanics and bioenergetics that regulate human movement” diplomatic;
- "Subdivide an idea into progressive parts up to reaching that point, but without ever losing sight of the whole " indicative;
- "Method of training where they train more physical qualities in unison" harmonic;
- "Which operates at 360 °, ie it does not aim exclusively to the development of a single muscle or the specific improvement of your aerobic capacity, but it is more generally aimed training of the body and of the movement as a whole, looking for the maximum muscle synergy through a combination of elements and movements " decisive;
- "This is a learning process, of self-knowledge, the principles, methodologies, the means and the most effective tools to achieve its objectives " University;
- “is the basic training or complement that fits both to the natural movements of the body that human energy / metabolic demands to go meet the performance requirements of the sport or simply to improve the psycho-physical well-being generally " two-faced;
- "A spectrum of activities directed to the activation of a coherent connection between body, movement and use of the movement on the part of the body " fantasmagorico;
- "A scientific method that includes a definition, a logical progression and an unquestionable and undisputable " mathematical;
- "It is a workout based on multiarticolarità, three-dimensionality and rebalancing " religious;
- "Multi-joint activities, multi-planar, enriched propriocettivamente, involving deceleration (Reduction of strength), acceleration (force production) and stabilization; providing large shares of instability and different levels of control of the deformation imposed by the gravity, Reactive responses offered by the soil, the moment of force " universal;
- “training can improve the physical condition in such a way as to allow an improvement in the performance of the tasks of daily life " accommodating;
- "A complex of exercises that can involve balance and proprioception" trapeze;
- "It is the workout for people of all ages and levels of fitness who want to feel good and be able to carry out any activity and obtain an enviable physical" taumaturgico;
- "It involves movements that are specific or highly correlated, in mechanical terms, coordinative and energy, with normal daily activities " household;
- "It is the ideal workout for anyone who is willing to put in shape from head to toe" tonic;
- "Journey of discovery of the human body, the discovery of its capabilities and its borders " exploratory;
- “training represented by that series of integrated movements carried out on several floors that involve all components of the athlete with the aim of improving neuro muscular efficiency, agility and dexterity. Namely the quality of movement” ascensoristico;
- “training to improve their overall physical condition of the body, making it more efficient in expressing any kind of gesture or effort that is, is structured on the interaction of multiple movements and exercises combined in a rational way as to allow that developments precisely this general conditioning of all the physical ability of the practitioner. This ensures any sport to improve their performance in the discipline practiced and to any person to improve their lives by improving the ability to face any situation that requires physical labor " unexceptionable;
- "It is training where quality matters more than quantity" elementary, my dear Watson;
Finally the opposite:
- “For an athlete there is no concept of functional, since for him the training should be aimed at improving athletic necessary conditions to improve in the sport practiced " Grave;
After he smiles on "scientific shared" this definition is established, then, NOT that there is a shared definition, let's take a step back and trace the origins of such “expression” that, in its English form “functional training” … It has no connection with the sport!
In fact, it has its origins in the field of rehabilitation (for someone should keep this soul), by acting on the "rehabilitation" of the people and the athletes (someone else has championed antagonize physiotherapists, osteopathy, etc.). Today, taking a cue from that source, others are fighting for a new "market share" which could open up talking about "riabilizzazione ", while others still "Riatletizzazione"; and finally, still others, to defend its sphere of preparatory, talk about "Training new frontier".
many words, such a philosophy to enlarge simple concept but rich in content: “l'Workout is a targeted preparation for the attainment of a given sports results " and if distinguishes from “motor activity” that does not pose any agonistic end but is addressed to the achievement of the morale and welfare of the person.
It would be appropriate to reflect on these new trends … that old story; a classic example is lo stretching "invented” gives Bob Andersson at the end of the 70s, but already existing in the sports world as exercises “stationary elongation” forming part of the "static method of improving joint mobility”. Try to seek guidance to coaches and athletes in business before that date.
finally, returning to "functional training”, I feel smell BURNERthe, of "another intrusion"Field that widens, especially after the loss of identity of the preparatory more frustrated trying to ape the technical talking more and more of the applied technique technology and the tactics, dealing less and less fatigue and sweat (because in this area there is to be more prepared and study constantly compared to the "field" philosophies that in return, but, make such image), in a kind of redemption in respect of a novella “Promethean shame”. Obviously the task is scheduled to, unobtrusively, Gradually the system will always be less criticized and come to identify with it to share its purposes, and the sharing of profits. To this is designed in such a way to also change their definition, and so by “fitness instructor” We switch to "charge of gym”, ad “expert in muscle”, ad “fitness expert”, a “personal trainer”, to involve The preparatory team sports that pass by “athletic trainer” a “physical trainer” (especially to distance themselves from the hated athletics), someone, then, It has adopted the expression of “field engineer” (meaning?), then "Physical coach", until It was dictated “Profundis” the physical trainer taking the word “trainer” (as usual in English to rely more), then "Physical trainer" and finally "athletic coach"; all to make up for the "look" and distance itself from the other coaches and ... to ask for more money; good for them and worse for presidents (to me, instead, so reminiscent consultants for shopping; sorry I do not know the particular definition in English that they dutifully use to give himself an air of superior and extort more money while doing what they do all give advice ...).
The inconsistency, then, becomes maxim when during the work of demolition of figure, and especially the name, “physical trainer”, they are based new forms associational physical and preparatory those who at first they called for the end, and they recited the "De Profundis" ... Now say hello to these initiatives. Fantastic! Suddenly you realize the danger that the “prima apocalyptic” potrebbe create, and that, in case the project “trainer-athletic coach” fails, we would be faced with no identity; and then? Better run for cover and guard blessing association “preparatory” in order to keep one foot in the old if goes wrong the “revolution” new. At this point should be that the “Preparatory discriminated "had a jolt of pride and instead of calabrache did a examination of conscience and they were aware of why you are on the sidelines, and they come out from this situation thanks to a change cultural dictated by a simple awareness of the state where you are, and, thanks to "a psycho-pedagogical action complex process aimed at acquisition / increase in knowledge, and learning / capacity-building”, They strapped to a sort of reappropriation of their identity denied. Get up and regain cultural stature that competes, It should be the key step to get out of the current situation. It is not very difficult, the deterioration and degradation levels are neither very advanced, nor irreversible; react! There is no drift and no apocalyptic abyss is in front of the foot; need roll up their sleeves and get busy. Moreover, to want to be bad, the new is fine when it provides better results than the old, and they are unaware of the summit results, I do not say at the international level, but at the national level had with the new; The tragedy is that you want to teach how do you ... even when you have not ever done! As well as pretending to do a physiologist who wanted to teach how to coach a sprinter … Prof. Vittori. Before the results then we talk!
In conclusion "the bandwagon" continues to move forward and, as always, every time someone tries to build his own fiefdom. It is a house of cards without a jolt even that does not go down; But since it just a house of cards, not take much to make him fall.
Cordial greetings
Furio Barba
P.S. I would like to point out that when some people talk about functional training functional training of basketball or volleyball, they should, for obvious things also clarify What is the workout "non-functional" basketball and the "non-functional" volleyball. It would be interesting to know, given the obviousness of this distinction, the characteristics of one and the type of training and very interesting to know, at this point, the difference between these terms and those type "general and special preparation" or "general and specific training". The difference? As usual, having to throw the wool over the eyes and sell "image", it is to say the same thing with ... "new expressions”.