When we think of mind and learning often we favor a logical-abstract conception: we focus on the "language of the mind" and its incorporeal aspects and much less on the reality and the motor actions, despite actions and movements have a central role in the formation processes and mental representation
Alberto Oliviero
ateressantissimo lavoro del Prof Alberto Oliverio che aggiunge ulteriori informazioni riguardo il percorso fino a oggi intrapreso, an article entitled "Motor skills and language learning"Which restores the body's dignity and the central role it deserves, the piece of Prof. Oliverio is for me a very important assist to carry on the conversation youth training and deepen the importance of the body in motion, as an element indispensable cornerstone for learning and personal growth, in fact, in the coming future work, show examples of some school situations existing in Switzerland, in my opinion, important because, during the normal course of lessons, in order to enhance learning and increase knowledge, Finally, It is abandoned the paradigm dualistic, unfortunately prevailing for years, between the mind and body, to give all'inestricabile space and inseparable existing coupling between the cognitive processes, the body and the environment.
Happy reading
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Giulio Rattazzi