The technology of sports training

We have already mentioned the fact that the mere measurement makes sense only if it is accompanied by appropriate reasoning. Of course we must not think that the technology and its instruments are to be thrown away. The instrument has a validity important, is largely due to the technology that man has reached the current level of well-being.

"Never before in this century, science and technology have had enormous, greatest hits, in all fields, from telecommunications to elementary particle physics, by chemical technologies microsurgery… The list would be very long. " 1

But we must be careful to know how to apply:

"And never before has this great power that man has in his hand has been used in a manner so reductionist, separating the parts from the whole. And this is the reason why the planet is sick. " 1

Do not forget that a tool, as indicated by the word itself, is only a tool. Do not let, therefore, that man becomes an instrument of the instrument.

But to what extent, thinking in terms of complexity, the instrument is useful to man?

The answer is: up to the so-called bifurcation point.

We can predict that in a few minutes will be raining?

The answer is yes, with the right tools can be, for instance, in a few days will be raining, but it is clear that we can not say the weather will be next year.

Imagine trying to read the weather forecast for tomorrow, then the day after, a year, due, three, five years: we would be amazed.2


To explain this concept we encounter fractal geometry. I would not inflict a math lesson, also because it is not within my competence, but a passage in the book ant empires and brain Alberto Gandolfi perfectly defines this:

"The nature evolves in this way. There are times - before the bifurcation point - Stability and balance. Then, when the system reaches the point of bifurcation, there is discontinuity, chaos.

At this point the behavior of the system follows a non-linear. In such conditions of instability, the system reaches the bifurcation point and this point is evolving toward a new regime, impossible to predict a priori.3

Of these principles is based the so-called adaptation syndrome in Seyle: is where it ends the cycle order - disorder - organization, described at length in The Method (La Methode) da Edgar Morin.

It can be said that in the bifurcation point the prediction has probabilistic nature, while between bifurcation points we can speak of deterministic laws.

It is therefore an alternation between the case and need. Since the evolution of a succession of equilibrium and non-equilibrium, you can clearly see that the classical science should not be considered in error. It is only to be considered insufficient. Indeed, during periods of equilibrium is valid and spendable, while during periods of non-equilibrium it is not. It is the bifurcation point that marks the necessity of transferring between classical science and complexity theory.

And so it is between the two bifurcation points is valid technology - or better - the current technology.

Do I need to ring the recursive: order – disorder - organization, described in Method by Edgar Morin fulfill his path.


At this stage of our progress in the world of complexity I would like to add some thoughts about whether to use technology. For several years, design tools and software dedicated to the so-called functional assessment of the athlete, Today I came to the conclusion that a dedicated tool for these purposes may have better uses.

On the basis of this knowledge, we hope that the future allows the instrument to accompany the athlete during training, instant by instant (real time and their feedback). A key aspect that should occupy the sports research should be to identify suitable marker and monitor each instant. In this mode, we can see if we are in a linear regime and therefore predictable, within the bifurcation point, or in a nonlinear regime, therefore unpredictable, out from the point of bifurcation, which is nothing else than the time at which it occurs fatigue. Phase, in other words, would be a real manifestation of chaos, moment which presupposes the need to begin the recovery to allow the body of supercompensare, as they say in many (but not exactly) the, with greater precision, to find a new balance, to a higher level. Let, therefore, that the order cycle – disorder – organization to run its course.

Complex systems are located in a viable state to the limit

between order and disorder,

nor too static or too chaotic, highly risky,

always in delicate balance

between creation and destruction.3

This should make us reflect on the extent of the load to be administered to prevent injury. That's where a tool might find its usefulness, we understand the extent to which it is permissible to refer to stress the body, not to exceed the limit beyond which it may incur in an accident. Do not forget that a tool is just a tool, the injury is the result of a complex upstream, then certain considerations and certain decisions must always grow from the most important tool: our minds.

The latter, with the reasoning, observation and dialogue with the athlete, will assume the most appropriate strategies to apply, thus giving the necessary thrust to the birth of virtuous circles that it will influence one another.

The reality is characterized by elements interconnected in a series of circles self-reinforcing (virtuous or vicious), moving away from equilibrium, circles and self-balancing, which tend to return to balance.

I would like to reiterate that this is not a simple path, because:

  • complex systems are in a state on the border between predictable and non-predictable, where everything is possible, but not everything is realized.3
  • It is impossible to predict with certainty what will be the future state of a complex system, as far as can be a requirement in general terms what will be its possible states (structures).3
  • Everything is connected to another and phenomena to another phenomenon and often with a great "feel". In appropriate circumstances, the minimum uncertainty can grow up to make totally unpredictable the future of the. The connections are numerous and powerful.3

The reality is not made up only of immediate.

The reality can not be read quite clearly in fact.

The ideas and theories do not reflect reality but translate.

In a way that may be erroneous.

Our reality is nothing more than our idea of ​​reality.

The reality also depends on the bet.

Then, the difficulty of recognizing reality,

you can ask this question:

is unrealistic to be realistic?

The little realism believes that the reality readable

and sees only the immediate is blind.

In the words of Bernard Groethuysen:

"Being realistic, that utopia!”

(Edgar Morin)

Giulio Rattazzi

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  1. Nicola Russo, Philosophy and ecology, Ideas on science and ecological practices, Guide, 2000.
  2. Ant, empires, brains: introduction to the science of complexity, A. Gandolfi, Basic Books-S. Science.
  3. Prey or spider Alberto De Luca Toni and Alberto F Comello. de Luca Toni and Comello, Prey or spider, Utet Library Turin, 2005.


Posted by giulio.rattazzi