Joint mobility

This article is taken from two publications 1996 and the 2007, both of which had started with the definition of joint mobility and a glossary where you specified the meaning of terms used too often, alas improperly, instead of joint mobility (fluency articulate when it goes well, muscle flexibility when it's bad, if not flexibility Stretching =).

In this article I omitted the part about all aspects of anatomy and physiology related to joint mobility and the functioning of the proprioceptive sensory, to be lighter on the reader, and also the part of the examples of exercises for each type of method.

I hope I have done something to please the reader and urge all, taking a cue from glossary, in the proper use of terminology, as the language, in addition to distinguish man from the animals, encourages dialogue, limits the misunderstandings and distinguishes, Thanks to its properties, correct use, richness and precision, the learned from the ignorant.

Here are a couple of examples of some of the terms frequently used.

Methodology = Noun; discipline that studies each method, complex of criteria to which a method siispira, set of laws, principles and means that form the method.

Method = Noun; order that follows an action aimed, set of practical procedures aimed at obtaining a specific result

Methodical = Adjective; what is done with method, it is said of one who possesses or applies a

# 1: Why the "big preparatory" speak of method (using it as a noun) training when applying a method?

Problem = Noun; what difficult to solve, obstacle to the achievement of a specific goal

Problematic = Adjective; relative to a problem, what is complex, it is said of one who has problems

Question # 2: Why the "big preparatory" talk about problems (using it as a noun) when they have problems (plural of problem)?

Equal response to both questions: more beautiful picture; for the same reason when they themselves use the term "push-ups" when someone performs pushups.

Basically it's just ignorance.

Happy reading,
Furio Barba

Joint mobility

Joint mobility, clear in his concept, is often confused by the definition of its quality due to the use of misnomers; in today's literature often to meet such terms and in this respect it seemed appropriate to write down a list of terms that are related to it, some that, often, literature and standard use in the form of synonyms of the same, and its definition.

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Posted by giulio.rattazzi