What training Sports ? from the interview with Pasquale Bellotti

Some time ago she gave a beautiful definition of training Sports ie: “The sports training process is a pedagogical-educational complex, individualized and based bioethical, which develops in long arcs of time, possibly from childhood, and that – after an initial and essential step of training and initiation of physical and mental – is completed with the systematic organization of exercise, repeated in quantities, with intensity and density, secondo forme…

30 August 2015

Lo Sport, il Gioco, la Guerra, di Julio Velasco

É trascorso molto tempo dal mio ultimo contributo, questo non è un caso. Da quando ho ideato De Motu (de motu dal latino intorno al movimento, oppure riguardo al movimento) il mio intento, (perdonatemi altrimenti…), è stato sempre quello di produrre articoli capaci di suscitare, da parte del lettore, dubbi e interessi, piuttosto a volte, mantenendo saldo a questi principi, ho preferito non pubblicare, perdendo ahimè… la possibilità di aumentare…

6 June 2014

Abano Terme: A great Convention

I write this article, motivated by a desire to thank the Italian Federation of Weights and tell my experience as a speaker at the convention in Abano Terme just ended. Usually the sport makes headlines, or greatest hits or - unfortunately - for the nth case of doping. This time I would tell other, I would like to bring attention to an aspect that is never mentioned, In other words, what we call the "behind the scenes": persone…

8 July 2013

Fragments of the life of a self-styled coach

It was the 3 December 2008. In Piazza Bernini 12, as they say for major events, "I was there". That evening, in the historic Aula 1 dell'ISEF Turin were many, huddled next to each other in deathly silence, immersed in a surreal atmosphere. Call no one was missing, we were all, students and teachers: Joachim Kratter remember in the first row, Claudio Gaudino c'era, many seemed excited schoolboys, all there to listen to Master….

7 May 2013

The Sports Doping who suffers who fights Alessandro Donati

Then, student of the Faculty of Sciences made a question to my teacher of sports law, known judge. << Professore mi scusi com’é possibile che l’ente CONI deputato a preparare al meglio gli atleti per le olimpiadi e per le gare internazionali, also the body to oversee the doping?, in short, in other words: controlled by a controller itself?>> His response was: << il Coni è un ente super…

26 January 2013
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Tips for a young coach

Last question Prof. Bellotti dispensing valuable advice for all young people who wish to enter the profession most beautiful in the world: The coach “The last question I would ask is that The: what are the recommendations, maybe secrets (possibly also practical), che vorrebbe dare a un giovane allenatore che si appresta a intraprendere la professione di allenatore?, which aspects should never forget ? Buona visone

21 December 2012
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What is Sport ?

Everywhere, in Italy and beyond, I'd say around the world it comes to sport, from bars to University. The sport you practice, it can be seen, you read, you live, many are the TV programs dedicated to the Sport, super experts would recommend it important for health, even doctors prescribe it as a drug. We talk about sports as a mass phenomenon, si parla di sport…

28 November 2012
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The motion is complex as it is complex man

A document courtesy of Prof. Pasquale Bellotti (material provided to the courses of the Faculty of Sciences of Turin for the field of teaching Moral Philosophy, Prof.. Dr. Pasquale Bellotti) written in 1935 dall'immenso Scienziato Nikolaj Bernstejin,dal titolo “Il problema dell’interrelazione tra coordinazione localizzazione”. Stunning noted as a distance of 80 years his studies are still quite current, I would say, not yet passed, surprising, I would say brilliant, note in the video, technology, today…

13 June 2012
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Exclusive interview with Dr. P.Bellotti

Surely Dr. Bellotti does not need an introduction, a super interview, divided into 5 party, dedicated to the concept of sports and sports training, important issue for: coaches, trainers, personal trainer, Instructors, Physics teachers and so on.,     For the full interview with Doc. Bellotti esegui la registrazione Inserisci il tuo nome: enter your email address:

9 January 2012
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