(Full article) Capturing the evolution of the phenomena with the recalculation of the scores "z"
The interesting proposal made by Julius Rattazzi in this
article helps us to systematize and formalize
statistical terms, this form of "oblivion". Through the technique
the recalculation of the points Z helps us to describe the evolution
performance of an athlete, assigning a meaning to
new performance based on past performance but
also reassigning meaning to past performance
on the basis of the current ones. In this way it is possible to estimate the
potential "average" of a subject in a certain type of competition
and describe the evolution.
It is a technique that opens up interesting perspectives not only in
exercise science but in all those areas of knowledge in which
you need to study the temporal evolution of the phenomena that
fluctuate around "attractors" a priori unknown but estimable
based on the same surveys. If the analysis of the data implies
contrast and comparison between situations, the technique illustrated
is proposed as a promising modality for comparison
diachronic and the reinterpretation, by un'analisi
a posteriori, of the evolutionary stages of a phenomenon.